The time I found a lump

I’m very soon to turn 23 and can’t help but constantly think back to this day. It’s about time this is spoken more about – especially amongst young women like myself.

Earlier this year, I had a day off after working 9 days straight and had planned my entire day indoors; exercise, make breakfast for mother and I, answer emails, blog, and so forth.

Something had been bothering me for a little while so I paid extra attention to it as I had the time to do so. Whilst lying down in bed, I felt it the more I pressed my two fingers on it. Then I immediately gasped.

I seeked advice from a close friend who is a staff nurse and told me to see my doctor ASAP. With slight hesitation I then told my mother who then immediately broke into prayer bullets.


“Amen, amen” I repeated.

“Lord we rebuke cancer in the name of Jesus”

She said cancer. The second I heard the c word I immediately broke out in tears.

I’m in my twenties, I work hard, I ensure that I rest, and I remain as healthy and active as possible. How on earth can this be?

I sobbed as I changed out of my pyjamas into whatever tracksuit bottoms I could find. Luckily, my local doctor was available that afternoon and could see me. Unluckily, he was a male doctor and wouldn’t be able to properly examine my breast due to the other female doctors being busy with their patients.




He further referred me and I was seen a week later. During the rest of the week, I decided to put the thoughts of the possibilities of a cancerous lump to the back of my mind. Nothing was certain, but I remained hopeful knowing that I am okay. The people that I’m blessed enough to call friends and family played a really helpful distraction during the time!

I finally saw a female doctor. She examined me and was quite blunt whilst observing me: “Darling, you do realise that lumps in your boobs mean that you’re just extra healthy. However, I myself am not sure what this could be, so I’m going to send you for an ultra-scan”

When arriving at the hospital for the scan I had to wear a gown wearing nothing underneath; I felt so exposed but kept in mind that this would soon be over.


The most serial moment came when being sat in the waiting room with two other women.
There’s a popular statistic which says that 1 in 3 women will get cancer. I was 1 of 3 of these women waiting to find out.

Both women looked just as anxious as I did. I prayed, went in, received the uncomfortable scan, and the words that followed after could only be compared to an entire rock being lifted off my shoulders.

“I don’t see anything unusual at all Miss Ajala.”

Thank. God.

To every single lady reading this, prevention is better than cure. My mother says this about everything! We often take for granted how blessed we are to have such efficient and helpful health care services.

This lump ordeal lasted only 2 weeks – do you know how incredible that is? From the check up, to the follow up check up to the scan, it was done!


If you’re unsure about anything health related – there are paid and around the clock professionals that are willing to see you and give you advice about it.

Act now to avoid further regret! Below are helpful tips and articles I read through that helped me too.


How To Check Your Breasts For Lumps And Changes

What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?


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